Texas summers are infamous for their searing heat, and for the incarcerated population in the state’s prisons, the lack of air conditioning can be deadly. Despite...
In the Lone Star State, the issue of gun violence in schools has been an ongoing concern for more than a decade. The state has been...
In the wake of a recent key vote rejecting his pro-school voucher reforms, Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, remains unwavering in his commitment to increasing educational...
Arlington Independent School District (AISD), a highly-acclaimed institution renowned for its unwavering commitment to fostering academic excellence, has recently launched an innovative, free, and universal Pre-K...
In an unprecedented victory for democracy, a federal district court judge in Texas has stepped in to halt the removal of books from the Llano County...
A group of Republican lawmakers in Texas has found themselves at odds with medical professionals over the use of puberty blockers and hormone therapies for transgender...
Florida – Over the past three weeks, the average U.S. price of regular-grade gasoline plummeted 45 cents to $4.10 per gallon. According to industry analyst Trilby...