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Coral Springs Officials: Mask Requirements No Longer In Effect In Broward County



CORAL SPRINGS, FL – There is no longer a mask mandate in Broward County, Coral Springs officials said Thursday.

Also, all businesses of any type in Coral Springs and Broward County may open to 100 percent capacity, officials said in a news release.

The lifting of Covid-19 restrictions follows Gov. Ron DeSantis’ announcement on Monday that he was suspending local emergency orders related to the pandemic.

The governor’s executive order, though, allows businesses to require masks and limit capacity. Visitors must comply with safety measures imposed by businesses.

In addition, the City of Coral Springs will continue to require masks in city facilities.

All employees, visitors, and contractors entering a city facility are required to:

– Wear a facial covering.

– Maintain a safe distance from others.

– Utilize temperature screening kiosks when entering city facilities.

City Facilities open to the public, include:

– Aquatic Complex, Tennis Center, Coral Springs Gymnasium, and Public Safety Buildings.

– City Hall is open for public meetings, but the One-Stop-Shop remains closed and utilizing online services.

Other safety measures in place, include:

– Masks are not necessary when outdoors, including city parks, but officials encourage visitors to maintain a safe distance from others when possible.

– Meetings and citizen engagement programs continue to be held virtually and in-person to limit gathering.

– All Special Magistrate hearings will be conducted in person.

City officials said experts caution that herd immunity has not yet been reached, so they urge people to continue taking safety measures, especially wearing face masks.

This is consistent, they said, with recommendations from infectious disease experts, especially those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They encourage:

– Continue to take simple precautions to stay safe, especially wearing properly fitted face masks.

– Wash hands regularly, avoid touching faces, maintain a safe distance from others and routinely disinfect surfaces.

– And of course, take advantage of Covid-19 19 vaccines.

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